The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yes I do know all the answers whether they be right or wrong. I have not clashed with anyone yet today, will this be the first one of the day?

TPBM is longing for a short nap!!!
I have not clashed with anyone yet today, will this be the first one of the day?

I'm trying but some @sshole shot my spy satelite out of the sky

I do have a free day tomorrow, yes. Going to a seminar about molecular biology used in archeology, should be interesting.

TPBM doesn't have a clue
Ahh, so that's how you were looking over my shoulder;) Big no on the Molecualr Biology, glad someone understands it.

TPBM thinks man made Global Warming is a bunch of hogwash!!!
+14 Celcuis. Gonna be another -0 and below night again tonight. Sick and tired of cold weather.

TPBM can understand Ebonics?
Ah..... Bucky and (mon ami) Marcel.......

No I don't do ebonics.... Who is "we" to have sub zero temperature ?

TPBM would like to do Chinese for dinner

D'oh!!!! The person that has the second post is the one that actually does the clashing, correct? So with that Marcel actually clashed with me, I am innocent!!!
Hope you do not go below 0.

TPBM has a very important task to finish at work today.
Okay, clashed again, I still got it....

Nope Buck, no work for me this week any more, I've a day off tomorrow.

TPBM is jealous

edit: again????? we're very good at this, aren't we, only my new satellite is a little slower than the previous one :lol:
For cryin gout loud, not jealous, just mad.

TPBM thinks that sattellite that Marcel spies on me with was not shot down afterall.

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