The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Than what ??? Steak over raw/fried/steamed oysters ? Not on your life !!

TPBM is the steak and potatoes man....

Nope, was face to face with a four legged dumpster diving Racoon last night though. Boy was he suprised when I snuck up on him.

TPBM feeds the local wildlife.
Haha nope. It's about drugs:

The song is believed by many to refer to smoking marijuana, due to references to paper, dragon ("draggin'"), puff (smoke), traveling "along the cherry lane" (the burning ember of a cigarette or joint is called a cherry, and moves up the cigarette's length as it burns), and Hanalei (Honahlee) is a town in Hawaii known for marijuana use. This theory led to the song becoming a hippie anthem.(wiki)

TPBM doesn't listen to Peter, Paul Mary.....
Kool-Aid, Oh, Yeah. Fruit juice drink over here in the US. Sometimes mixed with poison by radicals and cults to commit mass suicide.

TPBM drinks thier Kool-Aid straight.


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Tried it once, many years ago and just kept tipping over. Bad ankle won't allow it anymore.

TPBM has never seen snow.

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