The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope....last worknight fo the week, then weekend all the way to Monday night!

TPBM wishes like me, that he was economically independent so that he could take care of parents and friends, and never would have to work again....
You Betcha (no I'm not related to Sarah Palin, that's how we talk in Minnesota). I'd buy a great big gas guzzling Pickup and a Camper and tour the Southwest this winter, then make my way North and East next Spring and Summer.

TPBM thinks that sounds like a great trip.
Didn't know it was down for a while as I was on a mini-vacation. Seems to me the Forum was out of action last year when I came back from my yearly hunting trip as well.

TPBM forgot to punch in at work recently.

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