The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope.... when I come onto the forum I check to see who's on, then I come
right here. Havn't been in the Breaking News thread in awhile.

TPBM thinks I'm getting old....


TPBM will tell me what will do my cold better, a shot of Whiskey or a shot of Nyquil. Or since it's St. Patricks day to mix a shot of each of them and make an St. Patricks Day cure your cold Whiskey
Born in St. Joseph, Michigan, Caryl Chessman was a criminal with a long record who spent most of his adult life behind bars. He had been paroled a short time from prison in California when he was arrested near Los Angeles and charged with being the notorious "Red Light Bandit." The "Bandit" would follow people in their cars to secluded areas and flash a red light that tricked them into thinking he was a police officer. When they opened their windows or exited the vehicle, he would rob and, in the case of several young women, rape them. In July 1948, Chessman was convicted on 17 counts of robbery, kidnapping, and rape and condemned to death. After countless appeals,
Chessman finally went to the gas chamber at San Quentin Prison on May 2, 1960.

When I was a kid this was big news, and for a short time, he was my hero..

Yea, yea... I spelled his name wrong, but I'm sure it was Carl when I read about him.

TPBM is not impressed...


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