The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Blasphemy! If the good Lord hadn't intended for me to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat;)

TPBM is getting hungry.
Grilling is usually done over high heat and is a relatively fast cook, true BBQ'ing is done under low heat over an extended period of time. Most times it is to tenderize a particularly tough piece of meat such as ribs or brisquet.

TPBM watches Oprah regularly.
I wouldn't call it a phobia, but I do not like spiders. I will not kill one,
because I know they do good in the garden. They eat little creatures.

TPBM has a cat....

Knock on wood, havn't been down with anything is a right good while.

Guess that's because of my good, clean living....

TPBM agrees....


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