The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Yes I do. Cats are fun to tease, but good for little else IMHP. Maine Coon Cats are pretty neat animals though, don't think I'd tease one of those too much, may fight back and win;)

TPBM is more of a Reptile person.
Nope ! Dislike them with a passion. Only had two dogs in my entire
life, both female Beagles. Good house pets...

TPBM can't wait to till up his garden...

If I did every Dog in the State of Minnesota would start howling!

TPBM can't beleive there were no responses to the TPBM thread for nearly two days.
Are we talking obese, here ? Yea.... it bother's me that so many of our
young people are overweight. Too much MacDonald's and not enough home
cooked meals...

TPBM agrees....

Bucky... being gainfully un-employed, I don't have that to contend with.
I would rather be working, tho...

TPBM wish they were back in school [and know what they know now]


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