The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Actually, it's scuttlebutt. In the US Navy, a scuttlebutt is a water fountain,
or water cooler whichever you want to call it. Scuttlebutt is also unfounded

TPBM knew that...

Yes that's what Scuttlebutt is, but Scuzzlebutt is a character on the Cartoon show South Park. Monster that replaces limbs with various items, has a celery stick for one arm, and actor Patrick Duffy for a leg. He weaves Wicker Baskets in the mountains surrounding South Park, Colorado.

TPBM thinks the writers of South Park must use some illegal substances to come up with that stuff, I do.
Yeah I can beleive it. South Park is dimented, but in my opinion Family Guy is just plain all out perverted, although the Star Wars Episode was pretty funny.

TPBM has found an ancient artifact in thier lifetime.
I am extremely busy with maples and other plants, but I may [repeat may]
get into the PTO group build with a balsa/tissue model of a "Rufe".

TPBM hasn't seen my new avatar....


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