The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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The 8088 and the 8086 were the first home computers [after the Commodore
64]. Mine had a 40 mb hard drive and 640 Kb RAM. You turned it on, then
went and made a pot of coffee. Maybe when you got back it was ready to
operate. My grand-daughter still has it and it still works !!

TPBM is going to change the subject...

Always do lately. My energy is not boundless like it used to be. Maybe I'll take up jogging before work like TPBM.
No jogging, but try to put in 1-2 hours of hiking in the woods on a daily basis. Try to keep up a 4MPH pace.

TPBM exercieses by lifting an lowering the leg rest on the Laz-y-Boy, opening the fridge, and prying the caps of Beer Bottles.
Nope, like I said 4-8 miles of fast paced hiking. But have been limited lately with bad Achilles Tendons.

TPBM has a nagging injury that refuses to heal as well.
They're ok, I guess, for the younger people. We have Busch Gardens,
just up route 64, and I've been there a few times. Like I said, it's for the
younger folks.

TPBM likes the zoo, better....


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