The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Don't think so... going to put some of my plants/trees in a flea market at the lodge. Hope to make a few bucks....

TPBM likes to attend yard sale/flea markets....

Got an old left handed Bear Recurve at an estate sale for $15 once. Sold it many years later for $75.

TPBM has a co-worker in serious need of a swift kick in the groin!!!!
I won't take my nap til about 2200 [10 PM], and I hope it will last at least eight hours.

TPBM heard something funny, today, and will tell us about it...

Actually I saw a picture of a Red-Neck Fire Alarm.

TPBM is considered to be a Redneck by friends and relatives.


  • RedneckFireAlarm.jpg
    70.4 KB · Views: 82

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