The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, but I drink far less and for different reasons than I did when I was younger and more foolish.

TPBM has a lead foot and has numerous speeding tickets to prove it.
(Dang it Charles , ya beat me to it.) Sooooo..........

I used too.

TPBM....will ignore my other TPBM phrase and answer this.......:who came up with the alphabet?
The word "alphabet" came into Middle English from the Late Latin word Alphabetum, which in turn originated in the Ancient Greek Αλφάβητος Alphabetos, from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet. Alpha and beta in turn came from the first two letters of the Phoenician alphabet, and meant ox and house respectively. There are dozens of alphabets in use today. [Wiki]

TPBM lives in a brick/stone house/building


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