The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Absolutely. All us "former naval persons" [as Sir Winston called them] would prefer the sea to the mountains.

TPBM knows who is buried in Grant's tomb along with Ulysses.

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Not going anywhere. Just started another project in the house. Ripping up the carpet in the dining room hallway,
and the living room. Going to put down hardwood flooring, the 5/8" floating laminate. Hope to have all the carpet up
and the nail strips removed by Sunday.

BTW, Mrs. U..S. Grant is in the tomb alongside her husband.

TPBM would like to come over an help..... the beer's on me....

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Sure, you pay my airfare and I'll be there. No beer needed as I've stopped all drinking activities until I loose the weight I've gained this winter!!!

TPBM has taken a ride in a hot air balloon.
Nah, weather forecasters don't have a clue for the most part. I predict the weather by looking out the window.

TPBM is waiting for the latest Twilight movie to come out on DVD. C'mon Lucky, we know your a closet Twilight fan
Don't know why, I'm a big film fan, and I'm aware it's the biggest grossing film of all time, and I've seen the trailer... but it's completely passing me by. I am unable to work up the desire to see it.

TPBM thinks Quentin Tarantino is appallingly delf-indulgent.

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