The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Not shot one but shot at one once many many years ago...maybe would have had a better chance if it was the side of a barn, probably still would have missed!

Nah...I don't think of you as a monster.

TPBM has their coffee Black... in the morning!
Not just yet.... waiting for the middle of March so I can start grafting my
Japanese Maples. Then we'll opt for summer.

TPBM is a bird watcher...

Yup, and was pretty active in it. I did a piping plover survey for the Federal Fish and Game and was a SJ project coordinator for Cornell University and their Scarlet Tanager study. Then my kids came along and its like pulling teeth to get them outside!

TPBM has no children (that he / she knows of)
Nope, going to be busy Ice Fishing, planning for a Recurve Bow build for a early summer project. Building some Jigs and tools for the spindle sander and Bandsaw, making some low angle spoke shaves, and many other little projects.

TPBM has too many projects to work on and too little time to work on them.
Amen to that, my friend. Between model airplanes, the Japanese maples,
the yard, the house, reading, etc, etc..... Just ain't enough hours in the

TPBM has the same problem...


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