The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Beat up???? Let me tell you the story.
Boss calls me on Thursday evening to come in on Friday. I show up at 9.30, he has left the building. 12.00 he calls the office, secretary tells him I am waiting for him. "Bill, I should have called you not to come in after all." Yesterday I go in and work 3-1/2 hours. I go over the days worksheet, he says "what's this for Friday, what did you work on"? I inform him I was there for 3-1/2 hours and did nothing. "Well that takes care of that then"! As he throws my time card in the circular file!!!!! Now I ask You???????

TPBM faires better than me!
Not with an almost 6-month old in the house, and with teething as well!

TPBM was, like me, up a number of times during the night last night.
can for a long time on just a little....but do love to sleep in so much i should be a test pilot at a mattress factory....

TPBM thinks the day should start at noon

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