The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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hell? yep everytime i walk through the doors at work. the road of good several flat tires driving that.

TPBM has done a good deed that ended up biting them in the butt before
Nah, good deads are always repaid tenfold..............
oh wait, did one for my MIL......... you don't want to know the payback on That one...

TPBM is having fits finishing GB22!
I think of it. Like one winter day at Yosemite after a foot of fresh. Annies favorite time there.
Don't think we will get any in Sydney tho, Summer commin on.

TPBM can't wait to shovel snow!
hell yes! any day...

TPBM loves to cool their toes in the surf and drink an ice cold beverage ( umbrella optional ) while being surrounded by skantily clad women...

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