The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope no coffee or tea dr pepper for me thank you (i do like the taste of coffee every once in awhile )

TPBM thinks that blazing saddles should of got 5 academy awards instead of 2
I reckon so, but everyone has different tastes.( 'One man's trash is another man's treasure' as they say.)

Blazing saddles is a good laugh, BTW! The 'Camptown ladies' scene is a classic!!!

TPBM liked it too
Yep, put in a 2 hour, almost 8 mile hike last night. Going to do the same tonight as well.

TPBM thinks slow Barbequed Beef Briskett sounds like a good idea for a weekend meal!!!
Yes, it does. However, My bride has other plans. A friend's Mother is
celebrating her 100th birthday on Saturday (In Warsaw, Va.) and we
are invited. Never met a person 100 years old.... gotta be something !

TPBM has met someone who's 100 years old....


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