The person below me (TPBM)

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Let me get this straight CC. You dress up in tutus, dance aerobics for your buds and in your spare time, you like to be driven around in a sidecar dressed as a Nazi.

No. I did fail once when I moved from Kentucky to Washington State. I had my KY license, but had to get my WA license. I failed, but they can't take your license away. But I had to come back and take the driving portion again. For the record, I was asked to drive down a dead end, stop, back up 10 feet, and then continue forward. I didn't physically turn around in my seat to look backward before I backed up on that deserted lane.

TPBM never drinks plain water.
Why wouldnt I enjoy it...even if I do appear slightly autistic in this clip

I love plain water...get through 2 litres a day at least....

TPBM Is like me and doesnt like beer...


  • pictures 015.MOV
    6.7 MB · Views: 41
Boy. Wish I didn't. I couldn't get your quicktime video to play. I got sound, but no video.

TPBM likes beer and regrets the day they ever tried it.
RealOne play worked. I'd goof on you some more if the equipment didn't look so cool. Bet that was quite fun.

TPBM has no idea how fun [and informational] reenactments can be.
Twas rather fun

I have every idea, some guy I used to be friends with reenacted with Fallschirmjaegar and it sounds like a lot of fun...Perhaps when I have money to get all the equipment ill do something similar...Dont think there are many Italian reenactors in the UK though

TPBM has been involved in a game of 'soggy biscuit'...
Soggy biscuit is where a load of guys jerk off on a biscuit, and the last one to shoot their load on the biscuit has to eat it...Jeez lanc, you need to be more upfront

Im not wearing a mask...might be soon...

TPBM has worn a thong thats much too small back to front all day and wondered why it hurts so much.
Jesus. Where do you guys come up with the crap. And what kinda circle jerk faggots stand around yanking themselves in front of their buddies. Lordy!

No. My underwear is just fine, thankyou.

TPBM has been tea-bagged.
I don't know what tee bagged is. Now tea bagged? That's different.

Oops spelled that one wrong! Damn I have a habit of that.

Oh and for Hussars, nope I dont like them now, ever or anytime, and have never tried it.

TPBM is laughing there *** off right now because they know Hussars really does get off on the whole getting a golden shower thing.
Why yes I do. Have a couple of Lee presses. Wish I owned a Dillon. Reload 9mm, .380, .45, .38/.357, .308, .30 Carbine, 7.62x39, .30-06 and a few others.

TPBM does not have a clue how reloading works and what tools are involved.
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