The person below me (TPBM)

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No, unfortunately...

[Don't get excited CC]

I have 20/800 in one eye and 20/1200 or some such coke bottle prescription in the other.

TPBM was hoping I was going to talk about my penis.
Well, no i only get excited when it comes describing how much an indiduals face looks like a penis, anything elese is just gay :rolleyes:

TPBM, looks like a penis with a little top hat and a dancing cane
You got me.

TPBM loves to eat peanuts.


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Never. And it was easy to find in the plethora of dildo sites. Just not sure what's going to happen when my wife happens upon my internet history.

TPBM prefers vibrators over dildos.
Only when I drink too much.

TPBM would pay big money not to have his wife find out about sexual peccadillos his wife enjoys.
My wife is European so she is very open about it and does not care.

TPBM is jealous that they live in a place where most women are prudes and not sexual freaks like in Europe...
Ouch. Not really. What you do in your bedroom is your own business. And I like it that way.

TPBM is under 6ft (1.83m) tall. [That's 18hand to you Lanc]
Never. And I rank molesters right below whale sh!t.

TPBM fails to recognize the right of way. [You figure it out]
Not yet...Been in a sidecar dressed like a Nazi but that doesnt really count ;)

TPBM failed their driving test 3 times or more.
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