The person below me (TPBM)

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No, I like it actually. I find it brings out the real me.

TPBM needs a haircut and prefers male barbers.
No since I the person below you, it does not shock me :lol: Besides I am not metrosexual... :lol:

TPBM is a metrosexual though...
Nope, I dictate everything to the orphaned child im holding hostage and he types it...

TPBM is wondering how the hell I captured an orphan...
Same way you got the midget. You know. Lost dog, need help finding him, offers of candy and a special surprise.

TPBM uses powder laundry detergent.
yeah and we sure still live in trees in the crowded metropolis of manila

TPBM thinks most of South-East Asia really is just rainforest, nice beaches and animals
Nope dont think that at all, but I am wondering why you said yeah to not washing your clothes.

TPBM is also wondering the same thing.
You admitted to not having a life, sorry to hear that Dazed. So who are you anyhow Daze or Propwas!

TPBM is like me and does not like people with multiple logins because they do funny things....
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