The person below me (TPBM)

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Wait a minute Loomie, that ones been done before! But no, fortunately, that has not occurred in many a moon.

TPBM has a girlfriend who constantly nags.
I'm not married,
and btw, im kind of a homophobe right now and only the fags call me loomie

TPBM is a racist
Are you insinuating something, LOOMA? Homaphobia is not turned on and off. If racism is defined as stereotyping people, then yes, just like my racism I guess.

TPBM is a meatball.
Let's assume that Hot Space's lack of an answer is silent acknowledgement.

No. No. No. How many times do I have you tell you Hot Space? I will not be your *****. You will have to find a top somewhere else.

TPBM wishes they had a job that required travel to distant and exotic places. [fool]
No I already did that job...Hungary Belgium, Denmark, Norway, France, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Poland, Austria, Italy, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Romania, Czech, Kuwait, Quatar, Iraq.... Ive had eneogh. Still love to travel though, but on a leasure status not work related status...

TPBM is jealouse they have not left the town they live in...
Nope, been to Kosovo,Bosnia,Cyprus, and Afganistan(work), on a leisure basis, i have been to France,Scotland, and All through the norther United States and Alaska.

TPBM wishes i had of stayed in Alaska
man I sure do. Especially Manchego.

TPBM now know A&P means Airframe and Powerplant, but still doesn't quite understand. By the way, good for you uhhuh35. You really had to be uhhuh35? Couldn't just be uhhuh? [a story is warranted]

I was thirty five years old when I got this certain Yahoo! e-mail address and have been using it ever since.
I'll be forty three next month.
I was thirty five years old when I got this certain Yahoo! e-mail address and have been using it ever since.
I'll be forty three next month.

Perfect story. I like those.

Yes Hussars, I think that anyone who lives in AK needs to see the real world. Life is not a breathtakingly beautiful as AK. It is much more ugly in the huge cities of the world.

TPBM has one leg shorter than the other.
not sure
TPBM was hit by a huge typhoon called Xangsane and had a power outage for 5 days
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