The person below me (TPBM)

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Jesus. I killed the thread. Must be the bad Karma from inadvertently insulting Pisis and his girlfriend.
Yes. I made it. I was the bloke who stated "I'll have a consonant, a vowel, another vowel, a consonant, and another consonant. Another consonant, a vowel, a consonant and a final consonant, please Carol you ignorant slut."

TPBM does not spend his days watching supercilious gameshows with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
there're only 4 people in the year smarter than me and yeah i do give one a hard time, all in jest though :lol:

TPBM had trouble graduating from play school (i believe americans call it kindergarden?)
Actually yes. Mrs. Hsu (pronounced "soo"). She had a nasty habit of emphasizing her points with various objects in her hand. I distinctly recall third grade math she hit me on the head with a stapler to correct some agregious fault of mine.

TPBM has a tankless waterheater in their house or flat. And if so, I'm jealous.
Yes I am. I have an electrical circuit in my living room that I tapped into for outside recepticles (110v). I also hooked up a 60w spot for my flag. The circuit was notorious for tripping the breaker with the vacuum on it. Since my modification it is much worse. For my new circuit I put it on a GFI. Is there a simple fix of just changing the breaker current limit?

TPBM will give me advice that is worth exactly how much I payed for it.
Wait a minute! Coming from you that's a trick question and I won't fall for it. Besides, Lanc would just claim to own me again. He's funny that way. But no. I don't play in a band

TPBM did not read the What Annoyed You Today thread
No. But I'll take that into consideration. Most everyone annoys me. I'll add you to the list.

TPBM thinks he's an intellectual, but in actuality is mired in mediocrity.
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