The person below me (TPBM)

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No, for starters its completely irrational. Why would a tick be joining a flea circus? You should have thought it through ;)

TPBM was amused by it until I pointed out that fault, and now wants to stab themself in the face with a pick axe.
Being in the US Military and trying to accomplish any sort of change is EXACTLY like trying to pee up a rope!!!

TPBM has urinated on an electric fence...
There are few electric fences in this ****ed third world craphole

TPBM has put alligator clips on their balz
Not on the nut itself, but it wouldn't hurt on the skin anyway... or the ear or the nose or the....

TPBM keeps posting %^(* in this thread that no one can answer with a yes (don't all y'all reply at once...)
I do, i shot that fat f**k he kept repeatedly calling me a ho, over and over again til I snapped

TPBM beleives in the Easter Bunny
Great, then I could go the whole way with the emo thing and actually have reasons for cutting myself. :lol:

TPBM secretly pretends to be me.
Yes. I have a whole wardrobe of womens underthings.


and no, it's very rarely i have the white stuff in my hair

TPBM once tried to pass a BB gun off as a real gun for some reason...........
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