The person below me (TPBM)

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No, but i once took a sledge hammer to a wounded Jack Rabbits head once

TPBM, is wondering why i had to take such extreme measures to put a wounded animal out of its misery
Not at all. I'm a practicing homophobe. If you are stupid enough to tell me what you do in bed, I consider it fair game. I can't fathom why someone would introduce themselves as "Hi, I'm Billy Bob and I'm gay".

TPBM finds my comments to be utterly offensive.
Nope. This is a Futbol (soccer) weekend for my boys. Have a few beers afterwards, but no party.

TPBM buries things in their yard and wishes to tell the Forum about it.
no, i believing burying cirtain dead farm animals is illegal anyway :lol:

TMBM's hair is so long they have their own hairbrush and hair care equiptment.......
Damn right I do...but going to the effort of straightening every day gets tiring after a while...

TPBM has haircare products for other areas not including the head ;)
I had a hard time with your response CC now that your avatar has changed.

No. No other haircare products. My hair is regulation.

TPBM has put posters of talented, but entirely unattainable women in their rooms and deposited unmentionable fluids in their sock.
Nope been getting some before you were even born....

but you most certainly are a virgin looma!

TPBM is laughing there *** off right now at looma saying something like that when looma has not had p***y since p***y had him! :lol:
Jesus Adler. Yes. That is cruel, Man. Never challenge a man's sexual preferences nor his state of virginity. That's just not cool!:)

TPBM wishes that Adler were currently dating a midget with a flat head.:D
Alright, I'll come out of the closet. They say those who accuse abuse. Nice place to put your beer though. {No Lanc, you can't own me}

TPBM roams the internet forums seeking people to own.
lol Adler!
if u mean own as in PWN3D like in online games, then yes

TPBM thinks that this thread sucks ***
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