The person below me (TPBM)

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Damn right...I play so many tricks and jokes on people you just cant believe a word I say :evil4:

TPBM has absolutely no sense of humour and hasnt laughed at all in their entire life.
Definatly not true, I used to be the class clown in my school days and I still enjoy having a good time.

TPBM has a foot fetish..
No, I know ive definately washed at least once in the last 17 years...

TPBM is secretly French but too ashamed to admit it.
No, not French...Thanx God. However, I do believe your statement is flawed. Being uber-arrogant, true frenchman would never be ashamed to admit such.

TPBM enjoys Coke more than Pepsi.
People! Spam is made from people! And yes I like it. Fried preferably with eggs and toast.

TPBM has never eaten Spam.

[Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam. Lovely Spam!]
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