The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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No, but a buddy of mine does. He finds some pathetic joy in listening to his music interrupted four times an album and crappy sonics.

TPBM is not familiar with 8-track media.
No. Records have a warmth that digital media doesn't have. You have to put up with the inherent shortcomings of records (scratches, care, EIA equilization problems, etc), but they can sound really good. Having said that I gave all mine to a buddy. I just didn't have the room to store them any more. And they are friggin heavy!!

TPBM owns a Blue Ray DVD player.
Hey Matt them thar Smith Corona typewriters are warmer than PCs too

But I don't even own a propane camping stove and have natural gas in the city. I just burn down some trees when I camp. Bad side result- forest fire.

TPBM dated his cousin once.
Yeah, I do. Reluctantly. Its the only way that I can enjoy Les' videos of innocent death and destruction.

TPBM is an @ss 95% of the time and a sow the remainder.
Dont like Turkey, dont like beer, dont like football, dont have Thanksgiving So thats a yes then!

TPBM believes that Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses...
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