The person below me (TPBM)

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Have you guys ever noticed that how everyone of the things loomie posts has to do with man sex? Maybe he gets off from this....

Oh and as to the barely scrapes by, if $4200 to $4400 a month pluss full medical/dental for myself and for the family and my house paid for by my employer is barely scraping by then I guess you are right.

The person below me is really a woman.
Uhhhhhhh meeeeaaatttbbbbbaaaaaalllllssss.....
That with or without spaghetti?

The person below me gets lost in a walk in closet.
Nope, cos that would mean you are the dominant one in the relationship, and we all know that isnt true...

The person below me is harbouring a six year old boy in the boot of their car
Damn it! You got me.

The person below me finds the smell of their own poop arousing.
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