The person below me (TPBM)

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I have put frog legs in my mouth before. Rather tasty but that is not really a toad or what you meant by that.

TPBM eats those little eggs with unhatched chickens in them that come from over there someplace in Asia.
Naw I just say it to freak/tick people off. Their faces are priceless.

TPBM likes to watch soap opera's while eating bon-bon's
Not hardly. And grits are essentially coarse cornmeal that has been bleached with lye. You typically are served them instead of hashbrowns for breakfast with a little butter on top. A southern delicassy. Not much different than polenta or corn meal mush. [I can hear it now...what is mush]

TPBM has toe fungus.
Yes the topic of proper use of a dictionary.

TPBM spends entirely too much time on this damn forum because the topics are addicting and the participants for the most part are impressive in their knowledge.
Yeah I do spend to much time on here, but I am only online when my wife is studying or not at home. Besides I am a moderator and am required to roam the halls for delinquents.

TPBM spends to much time on here and has no excuse for doing so.
Metaphorically speaking, yes.
Literally, it is raining a lot, but that's about it.

TPBM Is terrified of lightning.
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