The person below me (TPBM)

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My lack of Gull Bladder says you are correct.

TPBM has never had surgery before.
I'm lucky not to have dengue (deadly mosquito carried disease)

TPBM doesn't know WTF dengue is
Yeah those darn lawyers never leave you alone.

TPBM has had his name legally changed.
technically i still have childhood nicknames, in the present tense to i can't answer that question...........

TPBM has never been to Cornwall.......
No I haven't and you inadequately ducked the question.

Irrespective of where TPBM believes they currently reside in life, TPBM will identify their nicknames. Even if TPBM is Lanc.
Hmm to be honest, I never really had any. They called me Kraut in the army but that was not child hood. I can not honestly remember any childhood nicknames.

TPBM will now proceede to tell theres so Lanc will finally tell us his nick name.
Well I was called prawny and jumbo...larry springs to mind as well...Nowadays its restricted to Thorn, which is just my last name and not really a nickname.
I could tell you lancs nicknames, but what we call him are more insults than nicknames

TPBM wasn't popular/retarded enough in their childhood to get a nickname.
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