The person below me (TPBM)

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I just ate Chinese. And yes I would like to have some buttered popcorn, damnit.

TPBM is just now waking up on Jan 1st 2007. And these celebration discussions are grating upon them.
i was undergoing the new year when talking to you about the Lincoln a few hours ago Matt

TPBM will tell us their new year's resolution.........
Well yes I am quite prepared. Though not just for this year. Enjoy collecting firearms for quite a while.

[And Screaming Eagle, I will assume that as an Aussie you have forfeited all your firearms to Mr. Gov't who knows better that you can't be trusted with such a beast]

TPBM owns no firearms of any military value.
No. I have a grand father with military value "culinary arts" tools, though.

TPBM still prefers swords to guns.
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