The person below me (TPBM)

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I'm not that old .....yet but if I have a 20 old bombshell that goes with it bring it on.

TPBM is Hussar's best friend.
What do you mean I'm annoying, I'm not annoying, I'm SPECIAL. Everybody says so...

The person below me is the runt of the litter.
I am! He's my alter ego, and I argue with myself to just make me look like I've got all the facts. 'Cos no one else is stupid enough to argue with facts.

TPBM is a homosapien.
I am! He's my alter ego, and I argue with myself to just make me look like I've got all the facts. 'Cos no one else is stupid enough to argue with facts.

TPBM is a homosapien.
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