The person below me (TPBM)

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No. Not unless you are allergic. If no allergies, you are just brought up as a spoiled child unwilling to broaden your culinary tastes. Loser.

TPBM agrees with my summary of Mr. CC.
You better believe I'm happy. Your making me proud.

TPBM has only eaten breaded seafood.
You bet I do. And that should include your demise.

TPBM has never really contemplated their death and its impact upon loved ones.

Oh it's crossed my mind... it's really going to cross my mind some more after flight school is over.

TPBM has not adequately begun to prepare for retirement.
You can never "adequately" prepare. But yeah I have been saving for the last 17yrs. Probably the wife is only going to benefit, but makes me sleep at night. Mkloby, how things will change now that little Matt is running around. You'll have those epiphanies which ruin concentration that can be so dangerous to flying about how you need to save more, lose weight, work out more, save bucks, put money away for college, wish your were at home more, steer Matt this way and that. Ugh. It weighs on the mind.

And yet Matt will always greet you with that smile (just wait, not yet, just wait, too early yet). And your heart will melt and you will feel like the Lion over a pride, ready to pounce at moments notice. Or perhaps just to cuddle and purr.

But I digress.

TPBM thinks that the gov't will take care of their retirement.
Nope sure dont, unless I ever decide to go back into the Army and the government will help me with my retirement. But I dont plan on going back into the Army....ever!

TPBM is going to retire early.
Probably not. Whats the drinking age in Germany? My History teacher is pretty adamant that we'll be able to buy drink and get pissed one night when we go to Berlin in march

TPBM thinks my history teacher sounds a little crazy.
Yep. And here in the States a teacher who wants to "get pissed" with his students would be suspect of also wanting to get in your pants.

TPBM agrees with me.
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