The person below me (TPBM)

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Oh man I love the outdoors. In fact, I just opened all doors and windows to my house with it 46F outside and let the house air out for about 30-40min. While I used to camp all the time, I still enjoy just getting up into the mountains.

TPBM has never been camping. Camping like with no flushing toilets, no running water and only sleeping in tents. Military does not count. You have to want to do this punishment. :)
I love camping and have done it on many occasions. I might go in the next few weeks with my wife and some friends. Tents, no toilets, camp fire and all. I really enjoy it, especially in the winter time.

TPBM hates camping because they can live without there TV and other electronic devices.
Nope, I love camping with only a camp fire and little electrick camping lights and the other stuff you use when you go camping.

TPBM are a does not work and rely on other people to give him everything, I am talking about a adult not a little school kid. He he he......
I have been working since I was in college to pay my bills and everything. Trust me I have worked my ass off, since you were still in diapers screaming eagle.

TPBM drinks to much.
i think smoking's deplorable, one a day's too much! to occasional Cigar's fine on special occassions but not if you're addicted.........

TPBM has to make a speech in the next week..........
i really don't mind it, i get nervous but manage to use my nervous energy to enhance my speeches, i've got to give a speech at a competition on tuesday and several speeches at the South West Regional European Youth Parliament on friday..........
Required Communication Performance (RCP). The ugly sister of RNP.

Nope havent bought anything today...yet.

TPBM is always well prepared prior to their speech.
been to toilet recently- check

drunk water- check

deep breaths- check

nervous- check (i believe some nerves are a good thing)

double checked any props- check

TPBM has made a fool of themselves through poor speech preparation........
No thank goodness. But I have had a bad case of the nerves. Was speaking in front of about 300 people and for whatever reason, could not look at the audience to my right. Gave my whole presentation to the left side of the ballroom.

TPBM has given a speech to over 1000 audience members.
no, the 200 or so at the European Youth Parliament on friday will be my record and i'm looking forward to it, i really quite enjoy the speaking at times!

TPBM is uncapable of adjusting their presentation style to suit the audience...............
Nope. I hate giving speeches, because I HAVE to try and make it funny, and I cant write or plan humour very well. Im far from the worlds best communicator. I prefer exressing my thoughts artistically or just by mindless amounts of writing.

TPBM would rather die than give speeches...
whilst i sometimes feel that way before giving the speech, having given it i love the feeling of finishing a speech........

TPBM enjoys recieving applause.......
Not really. But when it is over, it is exhilarating.

TPBM wonders if audience members are really paying attention or daydreaming like they would be during someone elses speech.
no, i know damn well they're not, or atleast thinking that makes it easier........

TPBM has recieved some sort of training for speaking..........
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