The person below me (TPBM)

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[That's not fair] :angry:

Here is the track stick. Also called a trackpoint. Eraser pointer.


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Yes I have, in High School, in College, and in the Military I recieved training on the matter of speaches.

TPBM hates writing letters.

Ooops I forgot to read the next page and just repleid to the last one on the other page. Oh well...
Yes I hate writing letters and yes I am using a wireless connections.

TPBM is still using a modem.
Only once when I had a bad case of gout while in Alaska and needed one to walk (roll) through the airport.

TPBM has been in a wheelchair for an extensive period of time.
I like to think it was major. I have had a small surgery on my foot, reconstructive surgery on my shoulder and had pins installed into my shoulder, and I have had surgery twice on my back to remove a non cancerous tumor. It was removed once and then came back again a year later. Has not come back since though (knock on wood, it has only been 5 months since the last one).

TPBM has never been injured.
Lord I wish. Split my arm open. Broke many fingers (Hehehe). Dislocated my kneecap...twice. :rollleyes: Once my left patella was on my very left side of my leg. Not good. Pushed it back. Passed out. Had my anus replaced with a Nimbus 2000 after a fissure. Other stuff.

TPBM is wretching as I write this. :puke:
Nope but the anus part did discust me. Ive been through some **** too, had my shoulder dislocated 6 times. Ouch!!!

TPBM does not believe that a dislocation can be close to the pain felt in child birth.
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