The person below me (TPBM)

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I leave the country 3 to 4 times a year. I go back to the US atleast once and then I travel to 2 or 3 other countries each year with my wife.

TPBM has never flown on a plane.
Yes. Ugh. All kinds. And they are all like riding a crowded city bus with the dregs of society sitting next to you. I'd rather have a root canal.

TPBM has been in the EE bay of a large transport plane.
You can't edit your screw ups when you are caught. That takes the humour right out I say.

Yeah, I'm mechanically inclined, just no longer mechanically motivated. I've installed car stereos, alarms, waterpumps, radiators, head gaskets, and valve stem sleeves. But nothing to do with transmissions or the engine block.

TPBM is much more mechanically inclined than I am.
That's a negative. I did car brakes once, also changed fuel filters a couple times. That's about it other than routine stuff. On the preflights I check to make sure the engine is still there...

TPBM can strip down and rebuild motor.
Im not sure if I could do a whole engine (dont see why not though) but if worked on numorious engines and changed just about everything on a car there is to change at some point.

TPBM has never even picked up a spanner.
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