The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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No Adler. I recall that was proven.

TPBM has noticed that Lanc is spamming the forum to get his 20k posts.
I'm Matt and I would never do that. I have a whole thread dedicated to insults. :lol: Man you guys take this spamming thing seriously. :rolleyes:

TPBM is wondering what Les will do next once Lanc breaks 20k.
that's because spamming is an art my young Padawan, in return for you imparting your engineering experience on to me i may teach you :lol:

and the current talk is to bump me down to zero, i must admit to being a bit curious myself :-k

TPBM fears for my safety when Les finds out what has transpired tonight........
Possibly ;) It wont be long before I lose the title of most posts which Ive held for years, but I wont miss it.

TPBM has more that 20k posts on another forum
No I don't. I'd rather get paid for my hobbies.

TPBM wonders if global warming will have a significant impact upon thier life.
Yes I do care. But think their is an overreaction to environmental contributions from the US. The cost benefit model of the Kyoto Treaty is flawed.

TPBM thinks that the US is the cause of most of the global warming.
Absolutely true, so long as I can keep my internet connection!

TPBM never tires of news coverage from New Orleans after Katrina...
Being a politician is a noble profession in theory. Serving your fellow man as an elected representative... Unfortunately - in reality politics is nauseating, and I am not sure I'd subject myself and my family to that after I retire from the mil.

TPBM wants only a career that will make them rich.
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