The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Ideally, but then again I wouldn't abuse innocent people for my own selfish gains. So in the spirit on your post. No. Money is not everything. I also need to feel like I'm contributing towards a greater community good.

TPBM thinks that huge corporations like Walmart, GE, BAE and others are only out to make money and will stamp upon the masses to do so.
True, they believe that they can do anything (and get away with it) to make big bucks. And usually they can, as the governments usually turn a blind eye.
TPBM has never been to Australia
I have been to Germany, but that was 8 years ago. Stayed in Munich, and I went to a medieval walled city that was nearby in Bavaria - but I can't remember the name of it! I also support walmart - I reread the US Constitution and didn't catch anything forcing employers to provide any benefits or anything other of the order either....

TPBM has never been to Eire
Yeap I allready stated that above.

TPBM is like me and needs to stop looking in this thread everytime they see that someone posted something because they like this it is just 3 guys getting to the same answer over 6 different posts. Spam basically....
Hey, a lightbulb is a lightbulbs. As long as it fits in my lamp and lights up a room. I'm not one to complain

TPBM would like to have a house full of blacklights and lazers.
Haha! Maybe if I was 14 and jamming to Hanson...

TPBM has a wife that has thousands and thousands of pictures and wonders why it is necessary for her to take pictures of her family at every single little function???
Aaawwwhhh Jesus. You just characterized my life. My wife takes pics of everything. When the hard drive crashed, I thought she was going to have an aneurysm. She owns a Nikon D80, takes camera lessons and the likelihood of us looking at these thousands of pics is pretty remote.

But I still love her.

TPBM wishes their spouse, significant other would change their ways.
Nope, cause I don't have one, yet. She's very quiet and secretive. You never know what she's gonna do next.

TPBM is as pitifully single as I am.
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