The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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I'm always drooling thinking of ice cold beer. Beautiful day and good morning buzz... [slap, slap, slap] ...oh right. I'm not in college any more.

TPBM gets so many emails in a day they can't keep up with them.
That I do but then again I was brought up in the aviation world and was a crew member and do some private flying.

TPBM believes that flying drunk is okay.
Never cared for fake breasts. But then again all of the women I have had had in my life had really nice ones that were real.

TPBM is not so fortunate. They are used to the aircraft carrier flight deck women.
Funny scenario. But no - that is not a dream of mine.
Maybe I'll say "democracy has arrived bitches" while 22 marines are pouring out of the back of my MV-22.

TPBM will state the nicest FBO they've flown into.
Hmmm lets see I think the nicest one that I ever flew into was a small airfield in Linz, Austria. It was surrounded by the mountains and the ground crews were extremely friendly. They helped us fix a problem we with our external fuel tanks, refueled us and then also had us over for a nice BBQ since the weather was too bad for us to fly through the Alps.

TPBM does not know what an FBO is.
Nope. Acronyms are typically manufacturer specific. And the military owns the rest. :)

TPBM wonders what prolonged (months) weightlessness would feel like.
No, but I have fallen down a lot and that kind of counts.

TPBM can't wait until space travel becomes affordable.
No I have not. T/O is exciting??? Flying is the 2nd greatest thrill known to man. LANDING is number 1!!!

TPBM has had to report a hard landing to maintenance.
No. But I did see her in her bedroom. Still bothers me.

TPBM will tell everyone what haggis is made out of.
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