The person below me (TPBM)

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Boy that sure would put a damper on the next 9 months... But no, it's going pretty well for me.

TPBM is also on spring break.
Nope but I have had to when I was deployed before! Pretty nasty. Especially when you are flying home on R&R and all your gear is packed up and put away so that it does not have to get inspected by customs again and your plain gets delayed and you sit in hot ass Kuwait for 3 days with no change of clothes and then you go home smelling like ass! That was great, my wife told me when she picked me up at the base that no matter what I had to shower first before she would even let me in the rest of the house! I did not care, I was just glad to be home!

TPBM believes in just turning the underwear inside out.
I wish and I do.

TPBM has seen similar posts of Sabrestrike like above and questions either his age, sobriety or mental faculties.

[btw, Bionicles are science fiction creatures of a mythos created by the Dutch. The are toy figurines that are popular with young kids.]
In that case yes I do question the above mentioned things.

TPBM is going to hit some Irish Pubs tomorrow night for St Patties day.
Wrong. I am hitting some Irish Pubs in our area. Listening to some fine live drinking music and having some Kilkenny and Guiness.

TPBM would like to do something but the old ball and chain will not let them.
Worse... I've been a single man, playing the field for two years and I just elevated a girl to girlfriend status. I will go out but I have to be "good". I'd almost rather stay home and remain temptation free.

TPBM.. has never had sex in an airplane
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