The person below me (TPBM)

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Sheep Heart, Liver, and Lungs minced with onions, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for approximately an hour.

TPBM is now disgusted.
It said TPBM me is dis-gusted. It allways adds that smiley for some reason.
And no dont really care since a lot of people have R-2800s. I think it is cool, but it is not hard to believe.

TPBM football team was beaten in EU Qualifications today.
Nope sure aint, I was when I was a baby, but somehow my body got over it and I can have milk and milk products since I was about 3 or 4.

TPBM is think they are Latex intolerant
Hell no. We're in an apartment here in corpus Christi for another month until I get transferred back to Pensacola. I loathe rented property.

TPBM enjoys rented living space.
Nope have never had a speeding ticket. Got a ticket for "not" stopping at a stop sign which was bullshit and the MP just needed to meet his quota.

TPBM has been pulled over and harrassed by cops while having a pregnant women in labor in the back seat of the car.
No, but did break the land speed record for the Tacoma tide flats with my youngest. When I arrived at the hospital, I suppose that I should have been more excited that my wife broke water in the car. I just asked for a wheelchair. Said guard was not impressed until he saw the wifey clawing at the ceiling.

TPBM never wants to witness a live birth.
Too late for that! We're unsure of when we want our Dash-2 to come. Seeing your child's birth is probably the most amazing thing you'll ever see.

TPBM wants at least 4 children.
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