The person below me (TPBM)

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Negative. I usually have the volume off on my laptop. Happy B-day eagles.

TPBM has one of those ridiculous folgers can mufflers on their car.
Nope stock radio. But then again the stock radio of the Jeep Grand Cherokee is pretty good.

TPBM hates it when people buy a 1985 Ford Escort and "pimp" it up! Its still a 1985 Ford Escort!
Doesn't bother me. But I do hate to listen to people with 1,500 watt subwoofers playing crappy rap music a mile away.

TPBM wonders why they split the tops of bread loaves.
Nope. I'm white redneck. I just think of toast and sandwiches.

TPBM likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But only a certain kind of jelly.
Yes it is. But then again, not sure if it was the snails I liked or the clarified butter.

TPBM paid too much money for their escargot.
Yes I have. I used to hunt quite a bit when I lived in N. Carolina. It is difficult to go hunting here in Germany. I have only hunted once here and I bagged me a real nice wild boar.

TPBM has never been hunting.
Hunting so that one just can put an animal's head on their wall is highly questionable, if not unethical...

TPBM prefers hunting with a camera.
I enjoy both. I enjoy hunting, but not just to hang its head on the wall. I want the meat and the skin. I also dont over do the hunting by killing everything and anything in large amounts. One or 2 deer a year is eneogh for me. I also enjoy taking pictures of wild life as well.

TPBM enjoys bow hunting.
There are all shades of legal blindness. And hunts range from a guide electronically looking through the blind person's scope, to blind people hunting via computer with remote controlled rifles.

And no I do not miss the dating scene one bit. If something were to happen to my wife, God forbid, my hand I would go to our graves happy.

TPBM likes the dating scene.
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