The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope have not been a part of the scene since I got married 4 years ago. And am happily married.

TPBM has an "online" girlfriend.
I hope the dog did. My wife's dog, from before we got married, is living with her mom and is on anti-depressants...

TPBM also has a pet that is being treated for a mental condition (is that even possible???)
:lol: The thought has crossed my mind. No ofcourse not. Not seriously. I do have extended famility that probably should be shot, but I supposed that's different.

TPBM has a family member who has been shot.
That I do, in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. Probably not the kind of bullet wound you were thinking of though. :lol:

TPBM cries over paper cuts.
Hell no. Work with timber cuts and splinters come with the job.

But I know who guy who does.

TPBM Spends way too much time on the net.
That would definitely be me lately. I have nothing to do and just waiting for my formation flights...

TPBM gets nervous when flying in parade position.
Never have. But yeah I probably would. I don't like people driving close to me either. Unpredictable.

TPBM does not like to ride in cars when they are not driving.
Depends on your definition of pimped. I don't even have a radio in my truck and I put in the carpets made from housing carpet scraps.

TPBM owns a car that is worth more than $30k.
Haha! $30,000! Both of our cars when new combined were a hair above $30,000!We decided we'd rather start our family than trying to live in the lap of luxury :D

TPBM will only buy "luxury" cars.
Not true, but I will only buy Jeeps, and cant wait to buy a "newer" Jeep even though I love my old sturdy and dependable 95.

TPBM would rather have a nice car than a nice house.
Nope. Rather have a nice "simple" house, no debt, no car payments, no charge cards, my kids college payed for, and a decent retirement nestegg for the wifey.

TPBM lives for the day.
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