The person below me (TPBM)

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You picked the wrong site to post that statement. I've been to several. Favorites are The Reno Air Races and Fleet Week in San Francisco. I am going to the Long Beach Gran Prix this weekend though... gotta love the sound.


Has never been to a Gran Prix

Welcome To Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach
Theres the Gran Prix in Edmonton every summer, ive been there atleast 6 times, good air quality, cars go fast because of it

TPBM didnt know how much race car drivers emphasize air quality for better performance
I had no idea- makes sense. Good to know, I'll look it up.

Has never never read a Kurt Vonnegut book
I enjoy reading. The time available for reading has been limited since flight school. I'm still stuck halfway through a 1000 page history of western european socialism, which is interesting although I disagree with 90% of socialist thought.

TPBM will state what magazines they subscribe to.
I dont actually prescribe to any. My wife prescribes to Nature and some Fitness magazine. Like I said I dont prescribe but I buy all the new issues of Revolver, Metal Edge, Fine Scale Modeler, Timber Homes and Loghome Living.

Actually technically I do prescribe because as a VFW member I recieve the VFW magazine.

TPBM reads Cosmopolitan.
I do sometimes but for the most part, me and my wife save a lot of money because of the house we wish to build in a few years.

TPBM has to get all there money from there parents.
I wish... If it were not for military service, I couldn't have afforded college or a house.

Thanks Uncle Sam!


Leaves work early of Fridays
On many weekends, yes, I do. Usually only a couple of hours on average if I'm lucky. I prize my family time.

TPBM will give us a list of the magazines they subscribe to and it won't be Adler.
I receive the Marine Corps Aviation Association magazine, and we get American Baby for the wife.

TPBM subscribes to gentlemen's magazines.
Nope my wife knows where all of my old magazines are. I tend to collect the playboys even though I have not bought one in about 2 years.

I wish I had a playboy collection. I built a loft in my neighbors garage and he had boxes from the 70s and 80s. Wish I had them.

TPBM does not like porn of any type and believes that self satisfaction will only stray your life towards that of Mephistophiles.
No I certainly do not think that. I do not collect porn though but to each there own and I dont think porn is bad.

TPBM is going to post a TPBM thingie that is actually about them and they want to know if others are like them.
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