The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope. Other obligations this weekend.

TPBM enjoys car camping (i.e., camping at a sight where you drive your car and unload your ****)
I do - but I do not enjoy this oppressive Texas heat... and it's only April. thank God I'm out of here in a couple weeks.

TPBM is drinking a beer right now.
HA! I just poured a rum and coke.
Has a hot sister
Nope - but I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind putting on a dress for you.

that there really are martians
I what that there really are martians? Believe? Heck no. Why are those "visited" or "abducted" by aliens always creepy middle-aged white guys that seem like they've had a few too many LSD trips...

TPBM has studied Roswell in depth and is convinced of a gov't conspiracy to cover up.
No, haven't studied it in depth. But I do believe that their is some inconsistencies in the gov't story. But can cough up any numerous reason for that though.

TPBM saw the alien autopsy video and thought that it was pretty cool.
Close... I live in Fresno, CA and there are plenty of aliens and the Taco Truck could be considered the "mothership".


Has never climbed a Mayan Pyrimid
Yes - no - don't know - well I had smoked some rather bad herbal medication :D


is actually a prison inmate who visits this site for purposes of rehabilitation

edit - whoops got in too late for ADGs question.
That's me... I have this affection for double whoppers with cheese... I'm still young, but afraid that this is going to catch up with me down the road.

TPBM has been pulled over recently.
Not traffic school, but I actually took the drivers course they made me take when I first entered the military. Gets me a discount on insurance. I too, drive like an old man... I got a little one in the car.

TPBM is thinking about buying a new car.
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