The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Couldn't say anything funn.....showing instead....sorry for being in the wrong place folks....
TPBM is daydreaming again......
It's not so much the nastiness, but I'm terrified of sharks.

TPBM believes that the statistics will keep them safe in the water.
no, but I think you are displaying Homo Erotic projection and have been using maple syrup to toss salads.


has great weekend plans
There no better feeling than seeing that wonderful silk canopy deploy!


Has boffed over 100 women
:lol: Yeah silk feels okay. Have something in mind Hussars? :lol:

TPBM is disturbed that this thread has taken an unexpected and dangerous turn.
Not really drunk. Drunk enough. And I heard that she had to have had 18 beers in an hour to get the .47.

TPBM cannot fathom drinking that much liquid in an hour.
I can't. I looked up a BAC calculator it said 18 drinks over 5 hours for a 135lb woman will yield a .47BAC. O'Doyle rules!!

TPBM did not know you can die from chugging over a gallon of water.
Really? 5 hours? That'll teach me to listen to the media...again. :lol: What is that 3 beers an hour. C'mon. Certainly drunk. But a record. I've seen girls do that in highschool.

And yeah you can die from overconsumption of water. Reference "A Wii for Wee". Dumb.

TPBM is an iced tea drinker.
Definitely - although my time in the South has spoiled me and I only like sweet tea now :D The first calculation was based of mixed drinks. I re-entered it with beers and it has increased, slightly, to 21-22 beers. What was she drinking?

TPBM has gotten extremely drunk and woken up naked in public.
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