The person below me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Guilty as charged. Fortunately though, no charges were pending. :lol:
Making my way home was fun. Good times all around, I must say.

TPBM is a flagrant exibitionist. Failing that, they just wanna be.
No but i got drunk, walked in the front door, then puked on ther linoleam and slipped and fell into it, then started puking on myself, all being video taped by my brother

TPBM has had a similar experience
No, but I do go to the Saunas and FKK areas of the pools here that are coed and nude.

TPBM agrees with me that Hussars is really a fag and that is why he tries to make other people out to be fags because he is ashamed of it.
:lol: Sure I'll go along with that theory. As good as any until proven differently. :)

TPBM does not agree with the gay lifestyle being taught in school.
If you mean support, as in the gov't should "support" it by incentivising those like they do with heterosexual marriage, then no. I do not "support" it. However, I have no problem with gays marrying. I just don't think that it is in a nations best interest to actively incentivise the activity. In my eyes that's not discrimination. They can get married to each other right now.

TPBM does not agree with me.
I'm not sure - it depends on your meaning. If you mean by incentives that the gov't should not offer tax breaks and such for a homosexual married couple, among other legal benefits of being married, then I agree. I also agree that it is not in our nation's best interests to promote and support homosexual marriage as an institution.

TPBM is utterly appalled by my statement.
Appalled by your statement? I'm appalled that you aren't cuddling your wife, snuggling with Matty, and generally bossing around your neighbors.

TPBM is wondering what is happening to this thread.
:lol: Thanks Adler, that one made my day (reinforcing my notion that my life is pathetic)

And sure, swimming sounds good. A nice pool, a little warmer weather, some bikinis, and loose fitting trunks for me. Oh. And beer.

TPBM likes women's two piece bathing suites better than the one piece.
They are okay. I'd rather leave something to the imagination. Panties and a sheer T-shirt anyone?

TPBM wishes that their feet were bigger.
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