The person below me (TPBM)

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I do enjoy camping...except for the people (my autism showing through). And I wasn't trying to goof on you re: your spelling. Mine is obviously just as bad as yours! I don't have a past time/passtime/pastime/or whatever.

TPBM likes to use oil based paints instead of latex.
The only time I paint (modeling discluded) is if I have to paint my house, so I use whatever I get at the Home Depot or that kind of store.

TPBM has a rather large yard that they have to mow from time to time.
Anyone who has been there in the summer surely wouldn't. One of the most beautiful places on the planet. Raw beauty that it is.

TPBM likes the cold snowy winters where you have to fill your tires with nitrogen to prevent them from going flat at night.
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