The person below me (TPBM)

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I do - but there is definitely always head-butting going on.

TPBM gets along better with their in-laws than their own family.
Yes it was the Marder II, but the Marder II was not really a tank but rather a tank destroyer. Tanks and other AFV's are two different things, just like a Bradley today is not a tank.

TPBM thinks its funny that people call Bradley's tanks.
No the Tiger was the Pzkpfw VI.

The Tiger at Bovington is known as Tiger 131 because that is its Turret Number. It has a red 131 on it.

Do you know what PzKpfw stands for?

Panzerkampfwagen which translates to: Armoured Combat Vehical

SdKfz stands for Sonderkraftfahrtzeug which translates to Special Purpose Vehicle.

SdKfz were used for vehicles such as Tank Destroyers, AA tracks, and armoured cars.

That does show you that you can not go off of video games because they are just that, games and not historically correct.

TPBM enjoys a good thunderstorm.
I don't care what files are lost on my home computer (other than basic applications). But wife sure does.

TPBM has lost all their data during a crash and got really pissed off.
No all my stuff was saved fortunatly. Thankgod because all of our pictures are saved on the computer. (fortunatly I have an external with them as well, that my wife does not know about so that she can not accidently break that one as well).

TPBM has hidden porn on there computer.
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