The person below me (TPBM)

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Haha! Not anymore. I used to run the 3mi in a little over 3mins, which isn't exactly fast, but it's is fast for me. Not anymore though!

TPBM has cold toes.
I don't wish I had new dishes... why the hell would I want new dishes??? I do wish that I could type things that made sense sometimes, however. I meant 3 miles in a little over 18 mins... :D

TPBM needs to clean their house.
We always need to clean our house. I have two young boys for goodness sake.

TPBM wishes they had new china for entertainment. :lol:
Not yet, but its on my 'to do' list. I can see it now: a scale recreation of the landings at Normandy in my backyard...all i need is a pool.

TPBM has been to a battlefield (after the battle, that is)
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