The person below me (TPBM)

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Haha, I have no idea what the time it is in the American West Coast :oops:

TPBM finds "Sleepless in Seattle" ironic :lol:
I don't know what a dopp kit is, so I'm pretty sure I don't have one.

TPBM prefers ranches over multi-story homes.
I deffinatly want a Timberhome (me and my wife are actually have the plans draw up at this time) but we do not want it in Montana. We want to liv in southern Alaska.

TPBM does not like places taht get fridged cold in the winter.
I'm a Swede so that doesn't bother me the slightest. Southern Alaska? Sounds cool indeed. I LOVE the mountain states up north or west or.....

TPBM loves big mountains....
If friends are family then yes. There is a beer festival in town "Sudz in the City", There will be over 5000 there-- big for this city.


Has better plans
If friends are family then yes. There is a beer festival in town "Sudz in the City", There will be over 5000 there-- big for this city.

Thats it???

We have our local beer festival this weekend as well. Consider it a very small version of the Oktober Fest. We even have one (thats right just one) of those big German Fest tents to drink our 1 Litre Mugs of Beer in and ofcourse the good german Umpapa Umpapa music to go along with the drinking.

Oh and as for the Timeshare thing. No I dont own one and dont really care to own one.

TPBM will tell us about there Vacation plans this year.
Was going to Disney World with the family. Well, they were. I was going to be working in Orlando. Cancelled. Oldest son does not want to go, wife thinks its too much money, and now we have a soccer tournament to attend.

TPBM has been to Disney World.
I don't despise Disney at all. I've been to Disneyland in CA. Supposedly that's a bootleg version of the real one in Florida. My wife LOVES disney stuff... so I fear we will be going there one day.

TPBM wonders why the French always set cars ablaze when they riot.
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