The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope - never have. I think it'd be a hoot. Especially utilizing that 120mm marine sniper fire...

TPBM gets annoyed when reporters call AAVs or Bradleys "tanks."
Somewhat. My wife is middle of the road as I am, but sometimes she leans in the opposite of what I do.

TPBM is conservative through and through.
It's hard actually define conservative positions. For the most part, I'm ridiculously conservative in my beliefs. But, I oppose the death penalty, which conservatives overwhelmingly tend to support. I also believe in minor government involvement in the economy, but only to ensure actual competition, not merely the facade of competition (ie a cartel). I don't think that you'll find many conservatives that support true laissez-faire economic policies these days...

TPBM tows a party agenda hook, line, and sinker but will attempt to deny that and claim that they are free thinking.
Nope - I do have a 15" LCD TV/Monitor, but that's packed away still.

TPBM buys a new computer every year.
Nope - mine is already in its third year of service. I'm really glad that I opted for the 1GB of RAM back when I got it...

TPBM uses dial-up
Nope - had DSL a few times, and dislike it. Most companies require you to have a telephone line as well, which doesn't work for us since we use vonage. I go with cable.

TPBM is sick and tired of Charles Shumer (D-NY) and his policies of absolving Americans of any and all responsibility.
Hmmm - I used to when I was in Quantico for a short time, but not in the past several years.

TPBM drinks way too much soda.

DAMMIT MATT!!! You beat me!

I do despise Starbucks. Their refusal to send coffee to troops deployed T'd me off.

TPBM drinks way too much soda.
I used to drink a lot of Mountain Dew (The tears of the Gods :lol:) but no I drink mostly sweet tea.

TPBM eats too much fast food.
Hmmm... I'm going out with my buddy Steve later. HOT date, I think not. Although my wife mocks me and says I'm going on a man-date.

TPBM still goes out partying every weekend.
Nope sure dont. I do go out for a drink or two though every weekend with my wife at the local Irish Pub. We enjoy the atmosphere.

TPBM thinks drinking is a sin.
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