The person below me (TPBM)

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Eeerrrrmmmmm.......whooops! I forgot the owen on!! Need to dash.....

TPBM is the real culprit...

DARN! Forgot to say nope. But it's too late isn't it?
Yes, but not hardcore MREs or anything. Mostly canned and dried goods that I use for normal meals. I do have some Coast Guard high energy food with a shelf life of 7-10 years someplace. Hey, who needs food when you have an M-14.

TPBM keeps a survival kit in their house.
Not really because I dont feel like typing it all down, but it has the usal from water, flashlight, first aid kit (which by the way is mandatory here in Germany to have), blanket, survival food and so forth.

TPBM thinks this is unneccessary.
Sounds about right. I've got a couple of space blankets, lighters, water purifying tablets, mirror, knife, etc. I made it because I had been back into the forest on some logging roads about an hour or two from blacktop and thought it would be prudent. As you say, never know.

TPBM can't imagine driving on old logging roads for two hours deep into backwoods country.
Wrong....this TPBM enjoy this thread.

TPBM saw a REAL stunner today and thought to himself....hmmmhmmmhmmm! Hubba hubba hubba....!

I thought "Hubba, hubba" was only said in old Tom and Jerry cartoons...

23 ska-dooooo!


likes Indian food
I must admit that I have not eaten much Indian food. Not because it doesn't look good, but I don't eat out if I can help it and I have never tried to cook anything other than Curried Beef or Chicken.

TPBM will tell us what their favorite Indian food is.
Anything my mum cooks - especially fresh samosas

TPBM would like to learn how to cook Indian food
Yes I would. I don't even know what samosas are. Can you recommend a good URL for Indian recipes?

TPBM doesn't know the difference between samosas and mimosas.
I didn't (good old google - sounds like a Buzz Fizz).

TPBM doesn't know the difference between a cocktail and a man's drink


Matt308, try Indian Recipes : Recipes from India and a somaso is a savoury triangular pastry - filled with vegetables or minced meat, deep fried, and served with a tangy dipping sauce.

And you'll probably need a dictionary of Indian terms:lol:

An A - Z glossary of Indian spices and cooking terms
Sorry all.. but amrit took my bait... I love Indian food!... I have mastered Thai curry but i need help on the great taste of India! we need a cooking thread!

More data!....
I have been wondering about that...

TPBM wonders why the air is filled with 50 hour civilian pilots that try to kill you and themselves every time they takeoff.
Nope I don't. The answer is because flying is to expensive to afford training, qualification, aircraft certification, maintenance, and operation. Until these costs come down, flying will only be a hobby for folks with their priorities in line or bucks in their pockets.

TPBM disagrees.
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